I found this about a month ago and it seems to work well. Good for poor people liek me. Decided to share it with friends and to post it here. I also added it to my igoogle page.
100% free PDF-Software
The 100% free PDF-Software provided to you by PDF24.org works with all Windows-Programs und has a lot of features that you wouldn’t expect from a free software: create PDF files from almost every Windows-application, re-order pages, merge, split, and password-protect your existing PDF-files.
Download now!Hint: If you have your company’s logo or any other picture file at hand you can create your own personalized version.
Online PDF-Converter for your Website
Using our online PDF converter you can convert the most common file-formats into a PDF without installing any software. The only thing you have to do is upload your file to our website and the resulting PDF will be emailed to you shortly afterwards. You can even integrate the online PDF converter into your own website. More...
Plugins and Widgets providing PDF-converting functionality
PDF24.org provides free Widgets and Plugins for your Blog, your Bulletin Board and your Website. More...
Bookmark plugin
Please bookmark the
following link to convert websites into pdf-files. All you have to do is to visit a website, click your link in the bookmark area, enter your e-mail address into the form and send it. You'll receive a pdf-file of the website by e-mail.